Friday, February 24, 2023

The Spinning Continues

Feeling the mood to spin.  Spinning I call it when words are floating and dancing in my head and form themselves into something that some may find interesting.  Interesting or intriguing or inspiring...those would be my ultimate affects anticipated.

A restlessness stirred in the air just outside the window.  Dancing with chimes that hang one to another swinging carelessly with no commitment to just one cold metal that are bound just the same though with various lengths of freedoms to hang suspended.
Her leg stretches over to caress only the coldness that greets her skin.  Once an inch becomes warm she moves it once more to the coldness.  Yes she keeps moving to coldness.  The symbolism slaps her in the face as the wind whips the earth outside.
The darkness in the room closes her eyes for her.  She is there again.  The moment when she was warm.  The sort of warmth that could kindle a fire in brown eyes.  She remembers those moments like bathing in a chocolate bath.  Her tongue tastes the sweetness on her responding lips.

 It is now February 2023 and it is unbelievable that I have not written for this long.  Covid kicked me in the teeth in my biz but it was a gift in the long run.  I hope to not abandon you again.